Heritage Awards
INTACH has been able to get involved in many projects and issues of both national and international importance.
INTACH was formed as a national body to supplement the efforts of many Govt organisations established for the protection, preservation and promotion of our cultural and architectural heritage. Through its nationwide district-level chapters, INTACH has been able to get involved in many projects and issues of both national and international importance.
The rich cultural and architectural heritage of our country is protected and preserved by a few committed and dedicated people and institutions.
INTACH believes that recognising such selfless efforts will go a long way to encourage many more to take up the noble cause of protecting our heritage.
INTACH Visakhapatnam chapter has announced the “INTACH HERITAGE AWARDS” with six categories. They are an annual feature and are decided by an award jury consisting of many of the cities eminent personalities. The committee is headed by the District Collector the local chapter of INTACH.
The following are the categories for which entries are invited from eligible candidates. Entries are screened by the award jury and the final awards are usually presented at a grand ceremony on the occasion of WORLD HERITAGE DAY.i. Life Time Contribution Awardii. Kalamitra Awardiii. Prakrutimitra Awardiv. Heritage Club Awardv. Heritage Building Awardvi. Heritage Reporter/News Paper Award

Life Time Contribution Award [Only by nomination]:
The award is given to an individual for his /her invaluable contribution to the preservation, protection and promotion of our rich cultural and architectural heritage. The fields of contribution can be any activity that directly or indirectly relates to the cause for which INTACH is working. Suggested fields of activities for the nominated personality can be: fine arts, performing arts, both classical and folk, literature, theatre arts, architecture, conservation, journalism, teaching under gurukul system etc.
Applications are invited from the general public who can nominate one or more personalities with distinctions in their respective fields. The proposer should submit the following on behalf of the nominee:
a. Detailed bio data of the nominated personality outlining the achievements of the nominee.
b. List and Copies of honours and awards already conferred on the nominee.
c. A brief note from the proposer explaining why the award should be given to the nominee.
Heritage Club Award:
This award will be given to one of the member school of INTACH's Heritage Club.
A. Mandatory Activities [50 Points]
1. Formation of Heritage Club
2. Heritage Walk : Organise a Heritage Walk to any of the heritage sites nearby, take pictures and make a report.
3. Final Report writing and presentation: make a report of all activities conducted during the year together with pictures and other relevant documents; make a Power Point presentation for the final INTACH Jury
B. Optional Activities [10 points for each activity conducted]
Organise any or all of the following activities and score points accordingly. The suggested activities are Heritage Quiz, Heritage Exhibition, Bulletin Board, Assembly Time Speeches, Family Tree, Folk dance, Classical dance, Fancy Dress and Painting Competition
1. INTACH Activities [50 points]:
Points for individual activities to be decided later by INTACH.
i. Quiz
ii. Seminars and workshops
Heritage Building Award :
The award is given to individual house owners who own or live in a residential use heritage building. Heritage buildings that have been preserved, protected and restored by the owners in such a way that the heritage value of the building has been kept intact. The award is given in recognition of the concern and importance shown by the owners and efforts made by them for the preservation of a residence of heritage value. Buildings of any size and more than 50 years of age will qualify for the award.
Following documents will have to be submitted along with the application:
1. A brief write up in about 500 words giving historical back ground of the building.
2. A detailed note on what measures have been taken to preserve and protect the building.
3. A note on why you feel you should be given the Heritage Award.
4. Some old pictures of the house together with a floor plan.
5. Other interesting documents or objects of heritage value can be submitted with the application to supplement a claim for the award.
6. Building Ownership Documents.
Best Newspaper/Reporter Award for Heritage News Coverage:
This award will be given to the newspaper contributed most to raising the general public's awareness levels of issues related to heritage. For example, by carrying our regular news items, frequent articles and stories about heritage issues and participation in all activities organised by INTACH and other bodies.
The award will be given on the basis of maximum number of news items, features, write-up or stories carried by the newspaper in the last two years. Theses items need not be only related to INTACH. Newspapers having an independent schedule for reporting these issues can submit collections of all relevant items appearing in their publication.
The following documents must be submitted along with the application form:
1. A report consisting of copies of all the items that were featured by the newspaper between 1-4-2004 and 31-3-2006.
2. A note on why you feel you or your organisation should be given the Heritage Award.